The Aftermath Campaign


Ever wondered what happened between Dark Conspiracy and Ground Control II?

Most of us found the end of Dark Conspiracy quite disappointing not only giving us a very bleak last mission but leaving all questions open and not exactly in an exciting cliffhanger.

When Massive decided to develop GCII and set it in a completely different time they left us wondering what the hell happened after that moonbase rescue.

Now, thanks to the hard work put by Snizzle during a whole year, we all can find out.

The Aftermath depicts what really happened after rescuing Jarred from the Crayven Moonbase and the events leading up to the theft of the CSS-ASTRID!

The campaign features 24 new missions with nothing but attention to detail!

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A version of Ground Control along the expansion Dark Conspiracy must be installed.


Download the Campaign on the link below

Then simply extract all files in the zip directly into you GC directory (usually C:\Sierra\GC\) then run the “AM launcher 1015”.


This mod is based on version 1015 and once installed, can be used to play with the community online.
